1·If the definition of library routines and data structures used in the kernel are changed and the enhancements no longer compile this will be noticed and repaired.
2·Since the compile time and runtime paths may be different, it's possible to have inconsistent library requirements leading to dependency hell.
3·To compile LFS, you need to prepare a partition and a file system, and you also need to compile a compiler and system library.
4·The MQTT library available in the resources section is required to compile this article's example.
不过要求在参考资料部分获得 MQTT 库来编译本文的示例。
5·Finally, you need to load the library that the native code will ultimately compile to.
6·Compile the main program and link with the dl library.
7·The sequence of commands to compile the library are
8·To compile and create a dynamic link library (DLL), you need the Windows cl.exe compiler.
要编译和创建动态链接库(DLL),您需要使用Windows cl . exe编译器。
9·There have been other compilers announced that were able to handle all Ruby syntax, and perhaps even compile the entire standard library.
10·The utility requires a C library to compile and, consequently, is installed using (g)make.
此工具需要一个 C 库来编译,当然,是使用 (g)make 来安装。